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Blast 20: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and The Fight of our Lives

The Fight for Western Civilization promises to be a tough one.


No one knows this better than Ayaan Hirsi Ali who is featured in Gloria Greenfield’s newest documentary. A victim of FGM as a child, she ran away from Somalia after her family tried to force her to marry her cousin. She escaped to the Netherlands where she was elected to the Dutch parliament. However, she fell out of favour with the Dutch élite when she decided to be part of a film criticizing some of the horrific practices of Islam. The film’s director, Theo Van Gogh, was stabbed to death on the streets on Amsterdam by an Islamic terrorist, with a note on him proclaiming Ayaan to be the next victim.


Instead of waiting for her death in Europe, she escaped to America. Now she is one of the most steadfast defenders of Classical Liberal values such as freedom of speech and individual liberty.

If you are as concerned as us that Toronto and all of Canada could soon be facing the same problems as Europe, then join us on March 26th at Empress Walk theatre for a screening of: The Fight of our Lives, featuring the incredible Ayaan Hirsi Ali and many other outspoken defenders of Western freedoms.

Watch The Fight of Our Lives trailer:

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