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Blast 5:  March 31, 2017 - Respect for the rule of law!

David Friedman is an American citizen of the Jewish faith who has now been confirmed by the Senate to become the American Ambassador to Israel. We would like to extend to him our congratulations, but even more so, we want to take this opportunity to remind ourselves that he was chosen according to the strict principles of American democracy. His appointment is just one more example of what happens when the rule of law is respected.

Unfortunately, most Democrats voted against him, and some very vocal members of the American Jewish community have expressed their opposition to his appointment. It is the very nature of the English speaking democracies for there to be a loyal opposition. We respect the opinions of those who opposed Mr. Friedman's appointment but we hope, that they will respect the process and do their best to give him the benefit of the doubt, in what is one of the most important diplomatic positions in the United States.

For a detailed analysis of Ambassador Friedman and what he stands for, please see this article in the Forward:



Goldi Steiner and Irving Weisdorf

Canadians For Balfour 100

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